Saturday, December 29, 2012

5 Tips to Build Your Self Confidence

Self-confidence is one of the most important keys that you need to have in order to be happy, successful and satisfied in your life. In other words, self-confident is an important element of a healthy personality. For several reasons anyone can lose confidence, however, the bad thing is, there are so many people always have low or lack of confidence. Usually these people are naturally shy, nervous, unsure of themselves, fear of failure, and fear of criticism. For these people I say becoming more confident in yourself is easier than you think, and the great news is that you can teach it to yourself. In this article I will give you some tips on how you can increase and build your self confidence.

Self-confidence Quotes To Build and Boost Your Self-Confidence

1. Be Honest With Yourself
To be more confident you should to be honest with yourself by asking yourself questions such as: Who I am inside? What are my dreams and goals in life? What I like and dislike about myself?,….etc. Also you need to have an open mind to deal with the right and the wrong, and the ability to see things realistically and objectively. It not easy to be honest with yourself but, this is an important step toward the confident personality that you want to build.

2. Accept Yourself
If you don't accept yourself, you will feel ashamed or embarrassed about who you are, you will feel guilty about believing that you deserve good thing, will feel unworthy of the acceptance of others, and the worst is you will never be confident in yourself. So accept yourself as you are, love yourself, believe and confidence in yourself .you will get confidence, success and happiness only when you reconcile with yourself. In other words, Self-acceptance is the key to self-confidence.

3. Don't Compare Yourself to Others
When I was comparing myself to others people usually I took their strengths and compared them with my weaknesses.  In this unfair comparison I was always the loser, and as a result, that make me jealous envious and depressed. Now Instead of comparing myself to other people I have created the habit of comparing myself to myself. This habit helped me to discover myself again and convinced me that I can't be anyone but me, and no one can be me. So stop comparing yourself to others and you will: begin to discover what’s truly important to you, suffer far less from those energy draining feelings of jealousy and inadequacy, and you will feel good about yourself without having to think less of other people.
 Remember this: Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world If you compare, you are insulting yourself. It’s better to be the original you than to be a copy of somebody else. Believe in yourself and people will be forced to believe in you.

In order to build self-confidence, you must get rid of all self-defeating thoughts. Negative thoughts bring you down and lower your confidence level. If you want to enjoy more self-confidence, you have to be positive in your life, that won't solve your problems but it will make you feel better and will help you to discover the right way to do that. As Zig Ziglar said, “Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will”.

5. Improve Your Look
Try to make a change for the better in your appearance, it really will give you a good feeling inside, and will make you proud about yourself. It is possible to look better than how you do now. Moreover, try to be the best version of yourself.

At the last, if you don't have confidence in yourself, no one will have confidence in you. Self-confidence is priceless. It cannot be given or easily acquired. So you have to work hard to get it, accept yourself, believe in yourself, face your fears do all the things that will help you to increase your self confidence. Building your self confidence is your responsibility

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Posted by : Unknown // 1:10 PM


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