Saturday, December 29, 2012

5 Tips to Build Your Self Confidence

Self-confidence is one of the most important keys that you need to have in order to be happy, successful and satisfied in your life. In other words, self-confident is an important element of a healthy personality. For several reasons anyone can lose confidence, however, the bad thing is, there are so many people always have low or lack of confidence. Usually these people are naturally shy, nervous, unsure of themselves, fear of failure, and fear of criticism. For these people I say becoming more confident in yourself is easier than you think, and the great news is that you can teach it to yourself. In this article I will give you some tips on how you can increase and build your self confidence.

Self-confidence Quotes To Build and Boost Your Self-Confidence

1. Be Honest With Yourself
To be more confident you should to be honest with yourself by asking yourself questions such as: Who I am inside? What are my dreams and goals in life? What I like and dislike about myself?,….etc. Also you need to have an open mind to deal with the right and the wrong, and the ability to see things realistically and objectively. It not easy to be honest with yourself but, this is an important step toward the confident personality that you want to build.

2. Accept Yourself
If you don't accept yourself, you will feel ashamed or embarrassed about who you are, you will feel guilty about believing that you deserve good thing, will feel unworthy of the acceptance of others, and the worst is you will never be confident in yourself. So accept yourself as you are, love yourself, believe and confidence in yourself .you will get confidence, success and happiness only when you reconcile with yourself. In other words, Self-acceptance is the key to self-confidence.

3. Don't Compare Yourself to Others
When I was comparing myself to others people usually I took their strengths and compared them with my weaknesses.  In this unfair comparison I was always the loser, and as a result, that make me jealous envious and depressed. Now Instead of comparing myself to other people I have created the habit of comparing myself to myself. This habit helped me to discover myself again and convinced me that I can't be anyone but me, and no one can be me. So stop comparing yourself to others and you will: begin to discover what’s truly important to you, suffer far less from those energy draining feelings of jealousy and inadequacy, and you will feel good about yourself without having to think less of other people.
 Remember this: Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world If you compare, you are insulting yourself. It’s better to be the original you than to be a copy of somebody else. Believe in yourself and people will be forced to believe in you.

In order to build self-confidence, you must get rid of all self-defeating thoughts. Negative thoughts bring you down and lower your confidence level. If you want to enjoy more self-confidence, you have to be positive in your life, that won't solve your problems but it will make you feel better and will help you to discover the right way to do that. As Zig Ziglar said, “Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will”.

5. Improve Your Look
Try to make a change for the better in your appearance, it really will give you a good feeling inside, and will make you proud about yourself. It is possible to look better than how you do now. Moreover, try to be the best version of yourself.

At the last, if you don't have confidence in yourself, no one will have confidence in you. Self-confidence is priceless. It cannot be given or easily acquired. So you have to work hard to get it, accept yourself, believe in yourself, face your fears do all the things that will help you to increase your self confidence. Building your self confidence is your responsibility

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Friday, December 14, 2012

Best 10 Inspirational Quotes To Read When You Are Depressed

Best 10 Inspirational Quotes To Read When You Are Depressed

“In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.”
 Albert Camus

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do, than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.”
Mark Twain

“Do you not see how necessary a world of pains and troubles is to school an intelligence and make it a soul?”
 John Keats

“Listen to the people who love you. Believe that they are worth living for even when you don't believe it. Seek out the memories depression takes away and project them into the future. Be brave; be strong; take your pills. Exercise because it's good for you even if every step weighs a thousand pounds. Eat when food itself disgusts you. Reason with yourself when you have lost your reason.”

“I start to think there really is no cure for depression, that happiness is an ongoing battle, and I wonder if it isn't one I'll have to fight for as long as I live. I wonder if it's worth it. ”
Murray Gell-Mann

"Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them -- every day begin the task anew."
Saint Francis de Sales

“You are searching for the magic key that will unlock the door to the source of power, and yet you have the key in your own hands, and you may make use of it the moment you learn to control your thoughts.” Napoleon Hill

“Remember sadness is always temporary. This, too, shall pass. ”
Chuck T. Falcon

“So often we dwell on the things that seem impossible rather than on the things that are possible. So often we are depressed by what remains to be done and forget to be thankful for all that has been done. ”
 Marian Wright Edelman

“I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know that just to be alive is a grand thing. ”
Agatha Christie

“People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” Annonyme

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Best 7 Ways To Overcome Depression

According to a recent study put by the world health organization more than 350 million people around the world suffer from depression. Another study reveals that there are a lot of common causes of depression like stressful life event, financial troubles, drugs, divorce… But, loss a close family member and job are two of the most common causes of depression. In fact, we all know that depression can happen to anyone. For that, we all should know how to deal with it when it comes.
In this article I will give you the best ways that really work for me and for many others peoples to help you to overcome your depression.

Best 10 Inspirational Quotes To Read When You Are Depressed

Determine why you're depressed

The first thing that you should do is to determine why you are depressed. Ask yourself; what is your life lacking at the moment causing you to feel depressed.
Is your past depressing you?
Is your situation depressing you?
Is somebody depressing you?
Is your physical lifestyle depressing you?
Try to find out the reasons that make you depressed. This step will reveal to you what you have to do to overcome your depression. Then if you don’t know how to deal with these reasons seek a professional help to help you.

Break your routine

Doing the same thing day after day can make you feel like you are stuck in a rut. It’s always healthy to break your routine by doing some interesting, funny, and new things. Try to do something you have never tried before. That may be give you a feeling that you never felt before.

Eat well and healthy

Unfortunately there is no specific diet that works for depression; however, there are some foods that make you better. In this period try to eat more natural foods and fewer highly processed meals, eliminate caffeine and sugars as much as possible, and avoid alcohol and drugs because can make your depression worse. Remember this: what you avoid is as important as what you eat when dealing with depression.

Get a good sleep

Get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. A good night sleep gives your body time and energy to recover from the day’s stresses.

Exercise regularly

We all know that regular exercise is good for our physical health. It can reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke. But in recent years studies shown that exercise also has benefits for mental health. Exercise can helps people recover from depression and prevent them from becoming depressed in the first place. After you heard this I think you should to add some physical activates to your daily. Even 20 minutes walk can help you clear your mind and relax.


Meditate on feeling good. In meditation visualize yourself feeling happy, try to make meditation as a practical tool for relaxation, concentration, and for better health. Moreover, meditation can be a powerful antidote to negative and depressive thoughts.

Spend time with positive people

Negative people certainly have a negative effect on the people around them. They can really bring you down. These people will make you feel frustrated, pessimistic and even upset. In other side when you spend time with positive people you will feel relax, happy and motivated. So try to avoid negative people and surround yourself with positive people.

At the last, if you think you might have a serious depression illness, don’t hesitate to seek a professional help. There is no reason to fight depression alone.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Best Motivational Quotes for Success

We all suffer from a lack of motivation from time to time. Even the most energetic and productive people have times when they just don't feel motivated to work towards their goal. The important question here, is how to motivate and inspire yourself ? . For me, Quotations are one of my favorite ways to do that, because the motivational and inspirational quotes help me to find inspiration from the greatest people.

Here I will share with you from time to time the best motivational and inspirational quotes that actually helped me to stay on track and achieve my goals and I hope to help you too.

Best 10 Ways To Motivate Yourself

"Never tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon." - Unknown

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."
- Judy Garland

"Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." - Frank Outlaw

"In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don’t." -Blaise Pascal

"If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present." – Lao Tzu

"The only goal you can't accomplish is the one that you don't go after!" - Vilis Ozols

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." – Winston Churchill

"Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drowned your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." –Steve Jobs

"Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called…tomorrow." – Unknown

"I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed ? " -Michael Jordan.

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Best 10 Ways To Motivate Yourself

In our lives, we encounter bad times, everyone faces depression, doubt, bad luck, low of energy, occasional failure... all this leads to lack of confidence and lack of motivation.
Nowadays many people of us get easily discouraged and depressed when they are going through these difficult times, but the best of us keep moving forward to their goals whatever the circumstance because they are always motivated.

Motivation is an important aspect in our lives because without it we will be lost in our way to reach our goals or our dreams, it is useful to keep us on track, to prevent us from any discouragement and depression, and to keep ourselves confident and happy.

After all this I think you want to know how you can motivate yourself? . Here are ten ways I'm sure you will find at least one or two that will work for you .

15 Inspirational Quotes To Motivate You

1.Set a Big And Specific Goal
If you don't know what to do, how can you be motivated to do it ? So, set to yourself a big and specific goal, it will have a much greater chance of being accomplished than a small and general goal, and also itwill have a big effect and create a lot of motivation .
“Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.” Bo Jackson

2.Remember Your Success
Think about your past, think of something amazing that you have done, pay attention to the good part, it allows you to keep you going achieving all what you desire.
“We do not remember days; we remember moments.” Cesare Pavese

3.Face Your Fears
Fears are something we all have, running away from fears don't make them go away, so you should to overcome them , because you'll face them anyway.
“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage.” Dale Carnegie

Train yourself to think positive thoughts while avoiding negative thoughts, feed your inner mind with only positive thoughts, and surround yourself with happy, positive and successful people while avoiding negative people .
“Keep away from small people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” Mark Twain

5.You Deserve The Best...Just Believe In Yourself
Think about how your life change when you get what you want, do not settle less than you deserve, fight all obstacles that block your way . Believe in yourself that you deserve to have what you want and remember always that you deserve the best .
“I will not try to convince you to love me, to respect me, to commit to me. I deserve better than that; I AM BETTER THAN THAT...Goodbye.” Steve Maraboli

6.Find Out What You Makes You Happy
The first thing you need to do is really , truly thinking about what you makes you happy , find out then do it as much as you want or can .
“Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy.” Cynthia Nelms

7.Try Something New
If you do what always did you will get what always got. This is a fact, so get out of your comfort zone and try something new because life gets boring when you stay within the limits of what you already know.
“Take risks:  if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.” Author Unknown

8.Turn Your TV Off
Life is too interesting, too wonderful, and too short to spend it in front of TV. TV steals your times, TV makes you stressed, TV makes you overweight, TV makes you uninteresting , TV ruins your relationship,TV is not relaxation...................and there are still more convenient.
“Time has convinced me of one thing.  Television is for appearing on, not looking at.” Noel Coward

9.Reward Yourself
Reward yourself when you complete a part of your task, and keep in your mind that your rewards should be something you really enjoy .
“Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.” Jim Rohn

10.Read, Read, Read
Books, articles and quotes are a wonderful source of inspiration, and it is one of the best ways to motivate yourself .
“Think before you speak. Read before you think.” Fran Lebowitz

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hi everyone – I am so glad you are here!

I am Rachid Rikitchi, I am a positive and optimistic person. I love reading, writing, watching movies and travel. I have been blogging since two years ago. I write positive words blog for many reasons, the most important are developing myself and helping others to develop themselves by motivate and inspire them to become positive, optimistic and successful in their lives. 
 About blog
Everything in this world has a reason to justify its existence.  So What is the reason behind creating a blog such as this?
Positive Words Blog” is a place where you will find free resource to develop yourself such as motivational and inspirational articles, self made and successful stories, best book reviews, best quotes from the greatest people of all the time…….  
Here, you will find just positive words, these positive words would make you positive, optimistic, and confident person. These positive words will help you to become the best version of yourself in order to be happy and successful in your life.

This blog for you, it’s nothing without you , so please feel free to leave comments, especially if you spot an error, or even just to share any interesting experiences or thoughts you have which are related to the post.

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